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How has the concept of beauty evolved?


How has the concept of beauty evolved?

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What we call beauty is what we have been taught since our childhood. We may like a certain color that we consider beautiful, we may want the skin we see as glossy but it is all highly subjective concepts of beauty and wellness. Beauty has always been something that was set by society, the standards they set was what we call beauty. Now the real meaning of beauty is more inclusive than ever. You not only have to be fair with a model like face and hot body figure but now you also have to be kind and respectful to be called beautiful. The world thinks of beauty as- Thin, bold, smooth, symmetrical, clean, delicate and young. When we come to know that the beauty standards that we have grown listening to, have been moulded a million times in history, the fact that we do not have to look at par with the beauty standards becomes easier for all the people out there. Beauty is cultural. Your culture and the surroundings would decide the standards of beauty for people. So if you belong to a rural area beauty for you would be probably the hills, mountains, greenery and you being able to work on these fields. While for someone who has been born and brought up in a city beauty would be having a successful life and being able to sustain in that lifestyle. As for personal beauty we all have seen how the Vogue magazine cover photo has changed for years. This makes it pretty much evident of how beauty evolves with time. What is going to be beautiful or what is beautiful, we make the definitions for ourselves. Blogjab